2014 (with L Loe, H Webb and D Score) ‘Given to the Ground’. A Viking Age mass grave on Ridgeway Hill, Weymouth, Dorset Natural
History and Archaeological Society Monograph Series: No. 22, Berforts Information Press, Eynsham, Oxford
2011 (with D Jennings, D, Miles and S Palmer) The Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Butler’s Field, Lechlade, Gloucestershire. Volume 2: The
Anglo-Saxon grave goods, specialist reports, phasing and discussion, Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph No. 33, Oxford Archaeology, Oxford
2010 (with P Booth, A Simmonds, S Clough, H E M Cool and D Poore) The late Roman cemetery at Lankhills, Winchester. Excavations
2000-2005, Oxford Archaeology Monograph No. 10, Oxford Archaeology, Oxford
2009 (with C Boston and A Witkin) ‘In the vaults beneath’ – Archaeological recording at St George’s Church, Bloomsbury, Oxford
Archaeology Monograph No. 8, Oxford
2008 (with C Boston A Witkin and D R P Wilkinson) Safe Moor'd in Greenwich Tier. A study of the skeletons of Royal Navy sailors and
marines excavated at the Royal Naval Hospital Greenwich, Oxford Archaeology Monograph No. 5, Oxford
(with F Brown, C Howard-Davis, M Brennand, T Evans, S O’Connor, A Spence, R Heawood and A Lupton) The archaeology of the
A1(M) Darrington to Dishforth DBFO road scheme, Lancaster Imprints, Oxford Archaeology North, Oxford
1998 (with R Early) Excavations at Springhead Roman `Small Town’, Kent, Oxford Archaeological Unit Occasional Paper No. 1
(with D Jennings, D Miles and S Palmer) The Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Butler’s Field, Lechlade, Gloucestershire. Volume 1:
Prehistoric and Roman Activity and Grave Catalogue, Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph No. 10, Oxford Archaeological Unit, Oxford
1995 (with A Dodd, D Miles and A Mudd) Two Anglo-Saxon cemeteries: Berinsfield and Didcot, Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph
No. 8, OUCA for OAU, Oxford
Edited volumes
1999 Excavations alongside Roman Ermine Street, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire: the archaeology of the A419/A417 Swindon to
Gloucester road scheme (A Mudd, B Williams and A Lupton), 2 volumes, Oxford Archaeological Unit
Articles in journals
Forthcoming (with W Abu-Azizeh, J Studer, S Alahmari, L Dausse, J Quartermaine, L Strolin and A Zazzo) ‘Excavating the horned
chamber Mustatil. A Neolithic open-air sanctuary evidencing pastoral nomadic ritual activity in the north-western Arabian
desert (Al Ula), Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies
2022 (with O Czére, J A Lawson, G Müldner, J Evans and K Britton) ‘The bodies in the Bog’: A Multi-Isotope Investigation of Individual
Life-Histories at an unusual 6th/7th Century Group Burial from a Roman Latrine at Cramond, Scotland. Archaeological and
Anthropological Sciences 14:67,
2021 (with M G Knight, A Sheridan, P Skogland, T Booth, L Brown, D Reich, I Armit, C Bonsall, K Anastasiadou, L Bütser, M Carver, A Gillardet,
M Kelly, J McCabe, J Montgomery, C Pickard, D Rhodes, M Silva, C Spall and M Williams) A summary round-up list of Scottish
archaeological human remains that have been sampled/analysed for DNA between January 2019 and November 2021,
Discovery and Excavation in Scotland New Series Volume 22, 201-207
2020 (with E F Kranioti, L-K Girdwood, J G Garcia-Donas, J A Wallace, A Papadopoulos, I Reeve, A Bonicelli, G Coskun and M A Karell)
Polyphonic Murders: A holographic biography of trauma, Translational Research in Anatomy 21, 1-7,
Sheridan, J A with contributions by Adams, S, Anderson-Whymark, H, Boyle, A, Britton, K, Card, N, Clarke, D, Cooney, G, Czére, O,
Graham-Campbell, J, Gron, K J, Hamilton, D, Knight, M G, Maldonado, A, Megarry, W, Mitchell, J, Naysmith, P, Noble, G, Paterson, C,
Patterson, W P, Reimer, P J and Rowley-Conwy, P, 2020 Scottish archaeological radiocarbon dates associated with National
Museums Scotland, 2018/9, Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 19, 226-231
2017 (with M Hoole, A Sheridan, T Booth, S Brace, Y Diekmann, I Olalde, M Thomas, I Barnes, J Evans, C Chenery, H Sloane, H Morrison, S
Fraser, S Timpany and D Hamilton) ‘Ava’: a Beaker-associated woman from a cist at Achavanich, Highland, and the story of her
(re-)discovery and subsequent study, Proc Soc Antiqs Scot 147, 73-118. Winner of the annual RBK Stevenson prize awarded by the
Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.
2014 (with C Chenery, J Evans, D Score and S Chenery) A boatload of Vikings?, Journal of the North Atlantic Press 7, 43-53
2013 Death on the Dorset Ridgeway: a medieval murder mystery, Haskins Society Journal 25, 19-33
2012 (with R McCarthy, S A Clough and A Norton) The Baptist Chapel burial ground, Littlemore, Post Med Arch 46/2, 281-290
2004 What price compromise? Archaeological investigations at St Bartholomew's Church, Penn, Wolverhampton, Church
Archaeology 5-6, 69-78
(with J Hiller) Langley Marish, St Mary (Bucks), Church Archaeology 5-6, 117-8
(with A Bradley) Moving the dead of Islington, The Archaeologist No. 52, 16-17
2003 (with C Boston, C, Bowater and A Holmes) Excavation of a Bronze Age Barrow at the proposed Centre for Gene Function, South
Parks Road, Oxford, 2002, Oxoniensia 68, 179-200
2001 (with A Barclay and G D Keevill) A prehistoric enclosure at Eynsham Abbey, Oxfordshire, Oxoniensia LXVI, 105-162
Excavations in Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, Oxoniensia LXVI, 337-368
2000 (with T Allen and P Hacking) Eton Rowing Course at Dorney Lake. The burial traditions, Tarmac Papers 2000, 65-106
(with M Cox, C Chandler, P Kneller and R Haslam) Nineteenth century dental restoration, treatment and consequences in an
English nobleman, British Dental Journal 189, No 11, 593-596
1999 (with G Hey and A Bayliss) Iron Age burials at Yarnton, Oxfordshire, Antiquity 73, No. 281, 551-562
1998 A report on the scientific analysis of the bones of the Anglo-Saxon bishop and saint, Chad, Church Archaeology 2, 35-8
The Carington burial vault, All Saints Church, High Wycombe, Oxfordshire, Church Archaeology 2, 60-1
1996 (with A Barclay, P Bradley and M Roberts) Excavations at the former Jewsons Yard, Harefield Road, Uxbridge, Transacs London
and Middlesex Arch Soc 95, 1-25
Report on the bones kept in St Chad's Cathedral, Birmingham in St Chad of Lichfield and Birmingham (M Greenslade),
Archdiocese of Birmingham Historical Commission No. 10, Stafford, 25-26
1993 (with P Booth and G A Keevill) Romano-British kiln site at Lower Farm, Nuneham Courtenay, and other sites on the Didcot to
Oxford and Wootton to Abingdon water mains, Oxfordshire, Oxoniensia 58, 87-217
Articles in edited volumes
2016 Death on the Dorset Ridgeway: The Discovery and Excavation of an early Medieval mass burial, in The Danes in Wessex. The
Scandinavian Impact on Southern England, c 800- c 1100. (eds R Lavelle and S Roffey), Oxbow Books, Oxford,109-121
2015 Approaches to post-medieval burial in England: past and present, in The archaeology of death in post-medieval Europe (ed. Sarah
Tarlow), 39-62, www.degruyteropen
2008 (with P Booth) The archaeology of Roman burials in England. Framework and methodology. A perspective from Oxford
Archaeology, in Pour une archaéologie du rite. Nouvelles perspectives de l’archaéologie funéraire. Études réunies par John Scheid,
Collection De L’école Française de Rome 407, 127-136
1999 A grave disturbance: archaeological perceptions of the recently dead, in The loved body's corruption: archaeological
contributions to the study of human mortality (eds J Downes and T Pollard), Scottish Archaeological Forum, Cruithne Press, 187-199
1998 (with G Keevill) `To the praise of the dead, and anatomie’: the analysis of post-medieval burials at St Nicholas, Sevenoaks,
Kent, in Grave Concerns: death and burial in England, 1700-1850, CBA Res Rep 113, York, 85-96
Chapters and contributions in books
2022 (forthcoming) Coffin fittings, in Excavations in the graveyard of St Peter’s Church, Blackburn, Headland Archaeology
2016 Major contribution on human remains, in Yarnton: Neolithic and Bronze Age settlement and landscape. Results of
excavations 1990-98, (G Hey, C Bell, C Dennis, M Robinson), Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph 39, Oxford Archaeology and
Oxford University School of Archaeology, Oxford
2013 The cremated human bone, in Excavations at King’s Low and Queen’s Low. Two early Bronze Age barrows in Tixall, North
Staffordshire, Archaeopress, Oxford, 60-62
2011 (with A Allan, A Chapman, F Healy, J Humble, S Rault, D Windell, D and J Woodiwiss) Minor and non-structural prehistoric features,
in The Raunds Area Project. A Neolithic and Bronze Age landscape in Northamptonshire. Volume 2 Supplementary Studies (J
Harding and F Healy), English Heritage, 289-298
(with A Allan, V Crosby, F Healy, J Humble, L Muldowney and S Rault) Field systems and related structures, in The Raunds Area
Project. A Neolithic and Bronze Age landscape in Northamptonshire. Volume 2 Supplementary Studies (J Harding and F Healy),
English Heritage, 299-329
Barrow 7; barrow 8; barrow 9; the human remains from Redlands Farm; overview, in The Raunds Area Project. A Neolithic
and Bronze Age landscape in Northamptonshire. Volume 2 Supplementary Studies (J Harding and F Healy), English Heritage, 269-
284, 717-736
The human remains, in Yarnton. Iron Age and Romano-British settlement and landscape (G Hey, P Booth and J Timby), Thames
Valley Landscapes Monograph No. 35, Oxford, 469-486
The Roman cremation burials, in Carlisle: excavations at Rickergate, 1998-9 and 53-55 Botchergate, 2001 (ed R Newman),
Cumbria Archaeological Res Rep No 2, 98-99
2010 Crematieresten van het urnenveld in zone F, in Urnen onder de ploeg (red. A Hakvoort en L van der Meij), ADC ArchaeoProjecten,
rapport 1204, Amersfoort, 49-58
2009 Amber beads, in Appleford’s earliest farmers. Archaeological work at Appleford Sidings, Oxfordshire (P Booth and A
Simmonds), Oxford Archaeology Occasional Paper No 17, 51
2008 (with T Evans, S O’Connor, A Spence and M Brennand) Site D (Ferry Fryston Chariot) in the Iron Age and Romano-British periods,
in The archaeology of the A1(M) Darrington to Dishforth DBFO road scheme (F Brown, C Howard-Davis, M Brennand, A Boyle, T
Evans, S O’Connor, A Spence, R Heawood and A Lupton), Lancaster Imprints, Oxford Archaeology North, Oxford, 121-159
A Simmonds, N Marquez-Grant and L Loe with contributions by A Boyle, Life and Death in a Roman City. Excavation of a Roman
cemetery with a mass grave at 120-122 London Road, Gloucester, Oxford Archaeology monograph No 6
2007 Barrows 7 and 8; Redlands Farm Barrows 7, 8 and 9; The treatment of the body, in The Raunds Area Project. A Neolithic and
Bronze Age landscape in Northamptonshire, (J Harding and F Healy) English Heritage Monograph, 169-172, 224-238
(with R Chambers) The Romano-British cemetery, in Excavations at Barrow Hills, Radley, Oxfordshire, 1983-5 (R Chambers and E
McAdam), Oxford Archaeology Thames Valley Monograph No. 25, 13-64
2006 (with A M Cromarty) A multi-period settlement at Bradford’s Brook, Cholsey, in Late Bronze Age ritual and habitation on a
Thames eyot at Whitecross Farm, Wallingford. The archaeology of the Wallingford bypass 1986-92 (A M Cromarty, A Barclay, G
Lambrick and M Robinson), Oxford Archaeology Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph No 22,201-224
(with J Henderson) Glass bead, in Late Bronze Age ritual and habitation on a Thames eyot at Whitecross Farm, Wallingford.
The archaeology of the Wallingford bypass 1986-92 (A M Cromarty, A Barclay, G Lambrick and M Robinson), Oxford Archaeology
Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph No 22, 57
2005 The human skeletal assemblage, in Archaeology of the Jubilee Line Extension. Prehistoric and Roman activity at Stratford
Market Depot West Ham, London 1991-1993 (J Hiller and D P Wilkinson), MoLAS, London, 44
The human skeletal assemblage, in Segsbury Camp. Excavations in 1996 and 1997 at an Iron Age hillfort on the Oxfordshire
Ridgeway (G Lock, C Gosden and P Daly), Oxford University School of Archaeology, Monograph No. 61,
The cremated human skeletal remains, in The moon and the bonfire. An investigation of three stone circles in north-east
Scotland (R Bradley), Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, 38-42
2004 L Allen and A Dodd with A Boyle, C Cropper, B Gilmour, G Thomas and S Youngs, Objects of copper alloy, iron, bone and glass, in
Yarnton Saxon and Medieval settlement and landscape, (G Hey), Oxford Archaeology Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph No
20, 277-305
The shale bracelet, in Excavations at Reading Business Park Phase 2: A Neolithic ring ditch, a middle Bronze Age field system
and a later Bronze Age settlement (A Brossler, R Early and C Allen) Oxford Archaeological Unit Thames Valley Monograph No. 19, 98
The worked bone assemblage, in Excavations at Reading Business Park Phase 2: A Neolithic ring ditch, a middle Bronze Age
field system and a later Bronze Age settlement (A Brossler, R Early and C Allen) Oxford Archaeological Unit Thames Valley
Monograph No. 19, 99
The human skeletal assemblage, in Excavations at Reading Business Park Phase 2: A Neolithic ring ditch, a middle Bronze Age field system and a later Bronze Age settlement (A Brossler, R Early and C Allen) Oxford Archaeological Unit Monograph No.
19 106-110
Burial rite and status on the Yarnton middle Saxon settlement, in Yarnton Saxon and Medieval settlement and landscape, (G
Hey), Oxford Archaeology Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph No 20, 75-76
General health, in Yarnton Saxon and Medieval settlement and landscape, (G Hey), Oxford Archaeology Thames Valley
Landscapes Monograph No 20, 76
The human burials, in Yarnton Saxon and Medieval settlement and landscape, (G Hey), Oxford Archaeology Thames Valley
Landscapes Monograph No 20, 317-324
Copper alloy objects, in Thornhill Farm, Gloucestershire. An Iron Age and Roman pastoral site in the Upper Thames Valley (D
Jennings, J Muir, S Palmer and A Smith), Oxford Archaeology Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph No 23, 78-81
Silver object, in Thornhill Farm, Gloucestershire. An Iron Age and Roman pastoral site in the Upper Thames Valley (D Jennings,
J Muir, S Palmer and A Smith), Oxford Archaeology Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph No 23, 81
Iron objects, in Thornhill Farm, Gloucestershire. An Iron Age and Roman pastoral site in the Upper Thames Valley (D Jennings,
J Muir, S Palmer and A Smith), Oxford Archaeology Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph No 23, 81-84
Beads, in Thornhill Farm, Gloucestershire. An Iron Age and Roman pastoral site in the Upper Thames Valley (D Jennings, J
Muir, S Palmer and A Smith), Oxford Archaeology Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph No 23, 84
Shale bracelet, in Thornhill Farm, Gloucestershire. An Iron Age and Roman pastoral site in the Upper Thames Valley (D
Jennings, J Muir, S Palmer and A Smith), Oxford Archaeology Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph No 23, 84
Human remains, in Thornhill Farm, Gloucestershire. An Iron Age and Roman pastoral site in the Upper Thames Valley (D
Jennings, J Muir, S Palmer and A Smith), Oxford Archaeology Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph No 23, 108-109
A Brossler and C Allen with contributions by A Boyle, Discussion and conclusions, in Green Park (Reading Business Park). Phase
2 excavation 1995. Neolithic and Bronze Age sites, (A Brossler, R Early and C Allen), Oxford Archaeology Thames Valley Landscapes
Monograph No. 19, Oxford, 117-132
(with G A Wait, T Allen, A Barclay, P Bradley, F Healy, C Ingle, G Lambrick, E Morris, P Northover, F Roe and C Salter, Iron Age and
Roman small finds, in Gravelly Guy Stanton Harcourt Oxfordshire. The development of a prehistoric and Romano-British
community (G Lambrick and T Allen), Oxford Archaeology, Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph No. 21, 335-404
2003 The human skeletal assemblage, in Excavations at Eynsham Abbey, 1989-1992, (G D Keevill, A Hardy and A Dodd), Oxford
Archaeological Unit, Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph
The beads, in Excavations at Eynsham Abbey, 1989-1992, (G D Keevill, A Hardy and A Dodd), Oxford Archaeological Unit, Thames
Valley Landscapes Monograph
Worked bone, in Uffington White Horse and its landscape. Investigations at White Horse Hill Uffington, 1989-95 and Tower
Hill, Ashbury, 1993-4, (D Miles, S Palmer, G Lock, C Gosden, and A M Cromarty) Oxford Archaeology Thames Valley Landscapes
Monograph No. 18, Oxford, 181
Human bone, Uffington White Horse and its landscape. Investigations at White Horse Hill Uffington, 1989-95 and Tower Hill,
Ashbury, 1993-4, (D Miles, S Palmer, G Lock, C Gosden, and A M Cromarty) Oxford Archaeology Thames Valley Landscape Monograph
No. 18, Oxford, 191-192
2002 The Romano-British Cemetery, in Excavations at Melford Meadows, Brettenham, 1994 (A Mudd), East Anglian Archaeology
Report No 99, 35-51
Copper alloy finds, in Excavations at Melford Meadows, Brettenham, 1994 (A Mudd), East Anglian Archaeology Report No 99, 71-
Iron objects, in Excavations at Melford Meadows, Brettenham, 1994 (A Mudd), East Anglian Archaeology Report No 99, 73-74
Miscellaneous Romano-British small finds, in Excavations at Melford Meadows, Brettenham, 1994 (A Mudd), East Anglian Archaeology
Report No 99, 76
The human bone, in Gathering the people, settling the land. The archaeology of a middle Thames landscape: Anglo-Saxon to
post- medieval, Oxford Archaeology Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph No. 14, Oxford, 96
(with P Hacking, T Allen and J Ambers) The Anglo-Saxon grave group from Boveney, Gathering the people, settling the land. The
archaeology of a middle Thames landscape: Anglo-Saxon to post-medieval, Oxford Archaeology Thames Valley Landscapes
Monograph No. 14, Oxford, 28-34
2001 Jet bead. in Beaumont Palace and the Whitefriars: excavations at the Sackler Library, Beaumont Street, Oxford, (D Poore and
D R P Wilkinson), OAU Occasional Paper No, 9, 61-62
Human skeletal remains, in Beaumont Palace and the Whitefriars: excavations at the Sackler Library, Beaumont Street,
Oxford, (D Poore and D R P Wilkinson), OAU Occasional Paper No, 9, 82
2000 The human remains, in Excavations at Wyndike Furlong, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, 1994, (J Muir and M R Roberts), Oxford
Archaeological Unit, Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph No. 12, Oxford
Human bone, in Excavations at the Paddock, Rectory Lane, Fringford (P Blinkhorn, C Bloor and D Thomason), OAU Occasional
Paper No. 6, Oxford, 28
The cremated human bone, in The Good Stones, a new investigation of the Clava cairns (Richard Bradley), Society of Antiquaries
of Scotland, Monograph Series Number 17, Historic Scotland, 87-89, 145-151
1999 Human remains, in Excavations at Barrow Hills, Radley, Oxfordshire Volume 1: The Neolithic and Bronze Age Monument
Complex (A Barclay and C Halpin), Oxford Archaeological Unit Thames Valley Landscapes volume 11, 171-183
Human skeletal material, in Excavations alongside Roman Ermin Street, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire The archaeology of
the A419/A417 Swindon to Gloucester Road Scheme, (A Mudd, R J Williams and A Lupton), Oxford Archaeological Unit, 469
1997 The human skeletal assemblage, in Asthall, Oxfordshire: excavations in a Roman `Small Town’, Thames Valley Landscapes
Monograph No. 9, Oxford Archaeological Unit (P M Booth), 135-137
1996 (with R Tyler) Excavations and observations during building work, in Cogges Manor Farm, Witney, Oxfordshire. The
excavations from 1986-1994 and the Historic Building Analysis (eds T Rowley and M Steiner), OUDCE and OCC, Oxford, 121-133
1995 The human bone, in Excavations at the Devil's Quoits, Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, 1972-3 and 1988 (A Barclay, M Gray and
G Lambrick) Thames Valley Landscapes: The Windrush Valley Volume 3, Oxford
1992 The human remains, in Reading Business Park: a Bronze Age landscape (J Moore and D Jennings) Thames Valley Landscapes: the
Kennet Valley, Volume 1, Oxford
Contributions to articles in journals
2021 (Scottish archaeological radiocarbon dates associated with National Museums Scotland, 2021 (M G Knight and A Maldanado),
Discovery and Excavation in Scotland New Series, Volume 22, 208-212
2019 (with Y Hallén and I Reeve) Early Bronze Age cremated human remains, in Context for a carnyx: excavation of a long-lived
ritual site at Leitchestown, Deskford, Moray, north-east Scotland (F Hunter), Archaeological Journal 176:2, 231-335, 278-280,
2019 Contribution in Sheridan, A, Scottish archaeological radiocarbon dates associated with National Museums Scotland, 2018/9,
Discovery and Excavation in Scotland New Series, Volume 20, 226-231
2017 Analysis of human remains, in Monks, priests and farmers: a community excavation at Baliscate, Isle of Mull, (C Ellis), Scottish
Archaeological Internet Reports 68, 52-55,
2016 Bone and cremated bone analysis, in Multi-period activity, the European Marine Science Park, Dunstaffnage, Argyll (C Ellis),
Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports 60, 14-16,
2014 (with H Webb) Human remains, in Medieval and post-medieval remains from excavations in the site of the New Auditorium,
Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 2008 (R Bashford, A Dodd and D Poore), Oxoniensia 79, 173-210, 201
2011 (with S Clough, D Mahoney and N Marquez-Grant) Human remains, in Excavations at Tubney Wood Quarry, 2001-9 (A Simmonds,
H Anderson-Whymark and A Norton), Oxoniensia 76, 105-172 (71-74)
2008 Cremated human bone, in The excavation of a 1st century field system and associated cremation burials at the Community
Hospital, Newbury, West Berkshire, Berkshire Archaeological Journal 77 (2004-2008),17-34 (27-28)
2003 Human bone, in The West Gate at Oxford Castle: excavations at Boreham’s Castle, Tidmarsh Lane, Oxford, 1994-5 (P Booth),
Oxoniensia LXVIII, 363-422, 410
2002 Human bone, in Shorncote Quarry; excavations of a late prehistoric landscape in the Upper Thames Valley, 1997 and 1998,
Trans Bristol and Glos Arch Soc 120, (A Brossler, M Gocher, G Laws and M Roberts (37-80) 69-70
2001 Human skeletal assemblage, in Site of former Hockley Chemical Works, Stratford Road, Alcester: excavations 1994, Transacs
Birmingham and Warwickshire Journal 104, 45-49
The human bone, in Excavation of multi-period sites at Lodge Lane, Addington, Geoffrey Harris House and Lloyd Park, South
Croydon, Surrey Archaeol Collections 88, (C Bell) 262
2000 The human bone, in The excavation of a late Iron Age enclosed settlement at Bicester Fields Farm, Bicester, Oxon, Oxoniensia
65, 201
The human remains, in A Bronze Age ditch and Iron Age settlement at Elms Farm, Humberstone, Leicester, Trans Leicester
Archaeol and Hist Soc 74, (B M Charles, A Parkinson and S Foreman), 196-197
The worked bone assemblage, in Prehistoric and Roman settlement near Heyford Road, Steeple Aston, Oxfordshire,
Oxoniensia 65, 187-189
Grave catalogue, in Archaeological investigations during refurbishment of St Aldate’s Church, Oxford, Oxoniensia 66, (R Tyler),
1999 Human remains, in Excavations at Barrow Hills, Radley, Oxfordshire Volume 1: The Neolithic and Bronze Age Monument
Complex (A Barclay and C Halpin), Oxford Archaeological Unit Thames Valley Landscapes volume 11, 171-183
Human skeletal material, in Excavations alongside Roman Ermin Street, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire The archaeology of
the A419/A417 Swindon to Gloucester Road Scheme, (A Mudd, R J Williams and A Lupton), Oxford Archaeological Unit, 469
1998 The human bone, in An archaeological excavation on land adjacent to Snowy Fielder Waye, Isleworth, London Borough of
Hounslow, Middlesex (C Bell), Transacs London and Middlesex Arch Soc 47 (1996), 52
1997 The human skeletal assemblage, in Asthall, Oxfordshire: excavations in a Roman `Small Town’, Thames Valley Landscapes
Monograph No. 9, Oxford Archaeological Unit (P M Booth), 135-137
The human bone, in The excavation of two barrows at Merton, Oxfordshire (P Bradley, M Parsons and R Tyler), Oxoniensia 62,
The human bone, in Archaeological investigations on the motorway service area, junction 8, M20 at Eyhorne Street,
Hollingbourne, Arch Cant CXVII, 137-8
1996 Human bone, in The excavation of two Bronze Age barrows, Oxford, Oxoniensia 61, (A Parkinson, A Barclay and P McKeague)
1995 The human bone, in Evaluation at St Peter's Church, Brackley, Northamptonshire Archaeology 25, (G Keevill, A Hardy, C
Underwood-Keevill and A Boyle) 180-181
The human bone, in Excavations of Neolithic and Bronze Age ring-ditches, Shorncote Quarry, Somerford Keynes,
Gloucestershire, Trans Bristol and Gloucestershire Arch Soc 113, (A Barclay and H Glass, with C Parry)
The human bone, in Excavations at King's Meadow near Cirencester, Trans Bristol and Gloucestershire Arch Soc 113, (M
Roberts) Glass bead in Excavations at the Peel Arms Site, Tamworth, Staffordshire, Trans South Staffs Arch and Hist Soc 17, (C
Online publications
2017 (with G Millward and J MComish) The medieval cemetery of St Leonard’s Leper Hospital, Midland Road, Peterborough, York
Archaeological Trust, York,
The medieval cemetery of St Leonard’s hospital, Midland Road, Peterborough. Table of disarticulated bone, York
Archaeological Trust, York,
2005 (with C Boston and A Witkin) The Archaeological Experience at St Luke’s Church, Old Street, Islington,
Book reviews
2021 Lost lives, new voices: unlocking the stories of the Scottish soldiers at the Battle of Dunbar 1650 (Review), Archaeological
Journal (Ahead of Print), 1-2,
2008 Burial terminology: a guide for researchers (Review), Post-medieval Archaeology 42 (2), 426-427
Popular publications
Popular publications
2014 (with L Loe) Death on Ridgeway Hill, British Archaeology May/June 16-23
2004 The Ferrybridge chariot, Current Archaeology 191, 481-485
Riding into history, British Archaeology 76, 22-27