I am available to work throughout the UK, Europe and further afield. All my work conforms to the standards set by BABAO, CIfA, Historic England and Historic Environment Scotland. I offer the following services. For more information about how I can help you, please contact me.

I am a strong advocate of the biocultural approach to the study of human remains. Context is everything and therefore all my work considers the evidence for burial practice alongside detailed osteoarchaeological analysis. I have published significant reports on skeletal assemblages ranging in date from the Neolithic to 19th century. Other publications include Iron Age, Roman and Anglo-Saxon artefacts. I also have considerable experience of analysing post-medieval coffin fittings.

Consultancy and
Project Management
I can provide specialist advice before the commencement of your project to ensure efficiency and value for money. I can provide guidance on the legislation relating to human remains. My position as a member of APABE (Advisory Panel on the Archaeology of Burials in England) ensures that I am familiar with the latest developments in this area.

If you require the identification and excavation of human remains in the field, or osteoarchaeological analysis and post excavation reporting. I have analysed numerous assemblages of both inhumations and cremations of all periods.

Post-excavation assessment and analysis
I have extensive experience of post-excavation assessment, analysis and reporting so am well-placed to assist with this aspect of your project as a manager or a team member. I am also an experienced editor.

Outreach and
public engagement
I am available to lecture and give presentations to local history and archaeology groups, schools and universities. I have published in magazines including British Archaeology and Current Archaeology. I have made radio and television appearances including Time Team, Meet the Ancestors and a documentary for National Geographic.